Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the ode of the missing e****

[update as of 10/31 - the application went complete after i sent my essays via email, but even now, the error message "Your application is incomplete. You are missing Essay 1" remains. So, on the suggestion of an erstwhile blogger applicant friend, I called up the Admissions office to see if they need anything else. Looks like the dont, so hopefully they have the right items uploaded in the right places. The wait begins now :-)]

so i slogged. hard. for a couple of days before my deadline, to somehow push my chicago re-application in. i was happy, not because i thought i had a stellar app, but because i had an app. the understandable jubilation continued on the weekend, and through the early half of this week. today, for some good reason, i realised that i should conduct a routine checkup of my apps. i typed in my browser address bar, keyed in my credentials, to find that my app is incomplete. the reason - missing essay 1. as any other normal applicant, i freaked out. a little. it was 10 pm in chicago, so the best i could was send the adcom an email - which i did. eagerly waited for a reply - and thanks to the prompt admissions staff, i got one this morning. but what did it say - check with us after nov 1! bewildered on what i should do next, i wrote a blog post.

dont know what happens next(i.e. after Nov 1st), but dont worry, i will let you know.


Hobbes said...

Damn!!!! How can tht be? Did you chk ur pdf - is it missing even in there?

Rico's Mom said...

OK I realize I haven't slept in 36 hours but I am almost having an anxiety attack thinking about that. I'm going to go check my apps now! Good luck!

Nat4mba said...

Forrest, do you have a printed copy of your application? It is not clear from your post whether the essay vanished completely from your app, so that you do not see it in the form, or that you see it, but the Adcom somehow lost it.

I was thinking about editing an essay a day before deadline (well, about 20 hours before it), and at that time Chicago had Real Big Problems with uploading. I could edit and submit essays in text forms, but I couldn't upload a .doc file. As I had to edit only one essay, I copied it into the text form and submitted as is, while previously uploaded essays were saved as separate files. I wonder, can disappearance of your essay be related to the same technical problem?

i_will_make_it said...

Oh my! Hope everything got in. If not, usually Chicago is really good about letting you update your app over time. If you're missing something, they will usually notify you about it and let you submit the info.

GOOD LUCK and all the best! Forrest is going to b-school this year!!

Nat4mba said...

Forrest, what's the latest news from Chicago? Did they finally confirm that the application is complete? Hope that things are fine.