Wednesday, September 28, 2005

alonso and ken carter

fernando alonso was crowned the world champion this weekend , a title he so deserves. my favourite iceman didnt win - but that man will surely come out on the top sometime soon, no doubts about that.

i watched a movie ( Coach Carter)this am before coming to office(dont be jealous of me - i will be working till late this pm). cant write a full review, but this flick is a must watch. ken carter, the basketball coach demonstrates some good leadership and team-building skills. But as someone said in his review on imdb -"Make sure you are really paying attention, otherwise, what's the point? " It's not about the Blacks, and its not about basketball either - there's a deeper meaning to the whole thing.

1 comment:

Paa"ji" said...

Well I felt bad for Iceman too...wish that car hadnt stalled so often...but I know he'll get it sooner or later coz he,s the best out there all he needs is a dependable machine