Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Chicago - dinged !


MBA Pundit said...

So sorry to hear about that. I hope you get off that K waitlist, I know its tough and frustrating but just go all out and do your best. If not, next year is always there and chances are good that I'll join you in the re-app process.

divinemissN said...

So sorry to hear that... on to bigger and better things!

SgHama said...

Damn... that sux F. I know how disappointing a ding can be. Hope u get off the K waitless soon...

Vinay Pandey said...

Sorry to hear that mate, I'll pray that K works out for you. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that.. its a trying time for you MBA aspirants..

(I'm setting out this year...for F07)

MJ said...

sorry about that buddy. hang in there. we're keeping our fingers crossed for K to work out for you. it ain't over till it's over.

i_will_make_it said...

Forrest, I'm sorry to hear. Hope K delivers the good news soon!!

Kelly Winters said...

Hey Forrest,

Bummer about Chicago -- I'm so sorry. I will try and convince all Kellogg admits I know to go elsewhere to get you off the waitlist sooner.

As for me (Kellogg vs. Tuck) -- I was heavily leaning towars Tuck before this weekend, but officially committed on Saturday. Hope to see you there in the fall!

Jenn said...


I won't be sending out my application packages until 2007, however, I can imagine the agony and anxiety you've been through with those waiting list and rejection. Just hang in there and keep your chin up. We all have moments like this and I hope to hear your story of victory very soon!
